Our Sustainable Policies


Process Lead Limited has put in place an effective CASHES policy which carefully addresses all the risks to our operations and activities and the potential impact on our host communities.

The management team are committed to this policy, and it is mandatory. The policy constitutes good work ethics and practices.

In compliance with the above, it is the company’s policy to:

Manage all CASHES matters effectively· Establish and sustain cordial relationships with the host communities. Protect and preserve the integrity and security of Process Lead Limited assets. Encourage a corporate culture where employees share in the ideals of Our CASHES policy.


The community affairs policy aims to foster positive relationships between Process Lead Limited, its employees, and host communities worldwide. We prioritize:

– Conflict resolution through dialogue

– Respect for local traditions and culture

– Minimizing operational impact on the environment

– Raising awareness of health, safety, and environmental matters.


Process Lead health policy is focused on the protection of our employees, members of the host community, and other parties/stakeholders. We protect them from all forms of hazards that could be associated with our operations/activities.

In this regard, we shall ensure:

> Proactive steps are taken to protect the health of our employees, host

> communities and third parties.

>Strict compliance with the use of PPE’s by our employees and all

> related parties associated with our projects.

> Training and compliance with first aid procedures.


Process Lead is committed to environmental protection and sustainability. We ensure:

Proper waste management and disposal

Compliance with environmental safety guidelines

Prohibition of waste dumping in water bodies or vegetation

Safe storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals


Process Lead is committed to the security of its personnel, host communities and its assets and properties.

In view of this, it is the policy of the company to:

> Ensure appropriate access control/measures are put in place.

> Discourage any form of theft or incident of pilfering.

> Update employees regularly on security measures and situations.


Process Lead quality management policy ensures operations exceed client expectations through world-class products and services, adhering to global best practices and regulatory requirements.”


Process Lead Limited, complies with all relevant regulations, industry standards, and international best practices.

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